Carroll Manor Recreation Council (CMRC)
Indoor Tennis
Click below to view available registrations

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Indoor Tennis Fall/Winter 2023-24

Play begins on November 14th 2023 and runs through March 22nd 2024 (19 weeks).

Indoor Schedule

Tuesday 9:30 AM-11:00 AM  -->  2 courts
Wednesday 11:00 AM- 12:30 PM  -->  2 courts
Thursday 9:30 AM-11:00 AM  -->  2 courts
Friday 9:30 AM- 11:00 AM  -->  2 courts 

Registration Fee

$75 per registrant regardless of which Day (does not include Balls for Courts).
(Only $50 if you played last Fall/Winter 2022-23  -->  use the same account as last year to register and the $25 discount is automatically applied.)

Contact Information

If you have any questions or comments, please contact:
Misty Doonis - 

Refund Policy

Please verify with the specific session the refund policy.

Note from CMRC re: Our Location

We are located in Phoenix, MD, not Frederick, MD. Please only register for our program if you live in our area. Thanks!

Available Registrations
Fall/Winter 2023-24
Indoor Tennis
Registration is now closed
