Hereford Zone Recreation and Parks Council
Recreation Baseball
Spring 2025
Baseball Registration
You can register for this session.
Session Details
Baseball - Spring 2025
Age Eligibility
We are pleased to offer leagues by date of birth this year. (The league age of the player is determined by the player's age on August 31, 2025.)
- Baseball
Tball - 09/01/2018 thru 08/31/2020
Coach Pitch - 09/01/2017 thru 08/31/2018
Rookie League (Player/Coach Pitch) - 09/01/2015 thru 08/31/2017
Single A Minor League - 09/01/2013 thru 08/31/2015
Double A Minor League - 09/01/2011 thru 08/31/2013
Triple A Minor League - 09/01/2008 thru 08/31/2011
Major League - 05/01/2004 thru 08/31/2008
Experienced and advanced players will be permitted to ‘play up’ with the next grade bracket to play with kids at a similar skill level.
IMPORTANT NOTE: To ensure fair playing time for all participants, team sizes must be limited. Team placement will be done on a first come-first served basis. A waiting list will be maintained and new teams created if and when possible.
Evaluations for A through AAA
In an attempt to create teams with evenly matched players, the league will conduct MANDATORY player evaluation sessions. Each player will be required to attend at least one session. More information will be sent via email. Evaluations will be at the 5th District Gym on Saturday and Sunday, March 1st and 2nd. On the lookout for an email with more information after you register. The purpose of this evaluation is to create a draft with equitable division of talent to prevent lopsided rosters. We want all of our teams to be competitive.
Uniforms and Equipment
Each child participating in the program will receive a hat, jersey, belt and socks that they will keep.
Uniforms are non-refundable. Each player is responsible for supplying his or her own white baseball pants.
Volunteers: Fundraising; Shack Shack Scheduling, and Opening Day
This year we are in search of volunteers to help with fundraising, running the schedule for the snack shack at Fifth District, and helping with organizing opening day. The more parents/volunteers we get to take ownership of our baseball league the better the experience is for our athletes. The snack shack and fundraising will help us purchase new equipment, uniforms, and help the league run. Don’t worry if you feel like you don’t have the time, there are many of us pitching in to help! Just a small amount of time and effort makes a huge difference in how our athletes experience this season!
Chairperson: Alex Cabral (
Registration Fees
6U Tee-Ball and 7U Clinic - $80 per registration
All other leagues - $130 per registrant
Refunds are subject to an adminstration fee.
League Registration Restrictions
The leagues for this session have registration limits. Below are the current details
on their caps:
26 out of 72 registrations available.
Coach Pitch
18 out of 48 registrations available.
Rookie League (Player/Coach Pitch)
35 out of 72 registrations available.
Single A Minor League
20 out of 48 registrations available.
Double A Minor League
9 out of 36 registrations available.
Triple A Minor League
9 out of 36 registrations available.
Major League
14 out of 18 registrations available.
Spring 2025
Baseball Registration