Central Carroll Recreation Council (CCRC)
Youth Recreation Soccer
Click below to view available registrations

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General Information

This is an In-House, co-ed instructional league with the emphasis placed on the participants learning to play soccer, making new friends, and having fun.
Our In-House soccer programs for Kn1 thru Middle school consist of each team practicing about 1 hr. Once night a week. Coach selects their practice night. Game are Saturday morning. All at Sandymount Park.
 The ONLY placement request we can honor is for siblings to be placed on the same team provided they are in the same grade/group breakdown. No other requests can or will be considered. Please do not make requests for coaches/ teams/ carpooling, etc.
Central Carroll Rec Soccer needs volunteers in order to continue to offer the level of service as in years past. The effort required to coach is minimal compared to the gratification received from the players.


Please view our soccer introduction on YouTube.

Contact Information

Robert Freter, Program Coordinator, e-mail: rfreter@comcast.net

Refund Policy

No refunds will be issued.

Please check our website for additional information about Central Carroll's Recreation Soccer program: http://www.centralcarrollrecreation.org/.

Available Registrations
Spring 2025
Spring Recreation Soccer
