Central Carroll Recreation Council (CCRC)
Quadraleague Soccer (Not Active)
General Information
Central Carroll Soccer, will be offering the Quadraleague this spring. We realize there is very little opportunity for high school students to play soccer in the spring here in Carroll County.
This small sided game is played without goal keepers and unlimited "on the fly" substitutions. The game will be fast paced and challenging, for players of all skill levels. A low-key 4 v 4 soccer league that focuses on the kids playing the game while the adults watch and enjoy it. Parents are encouraged to serve as facilitators leaving the players to be creative. This format is not conducive to coaching the players while the games are being played.
The program is based on allowing players to play soccer, try new moves, work with different players, while not being concerned with winning or keeping score. This is done by teams being picked by the players showing up at the designated time. Players will then play three 20 minute games. Players may by switched from team to team to help even the play of the game. The main purpose of the referee is to manage fouls and keep time.
The Quadraleague is open to all boys, girls, in High school that are not playing spring travel soccer. The games will be played on Sundays, beginning April 19, 2020 and ending the first week in June. Games will be played Sandymount Park Lower field #4.
Player Eligibility
Current High school Players not rostered on a spring travel team.
Contact Information
Robert Freter, Program Coordinator, e-mail: rfreter@comcast.net
Frank DiLeonardi Director of Coaching e-mail: level5soccer@gmail.com
Registration Cost
The fee to play will be $25.00 per player
Refund Policy
No refunds will be issued.
No registrations for this group are available at this time.