Columbia Ravens Basketball
Program Overview
The Columbia Ravens Winter Travel Basketball program is a premier, competitive organization based in Howard County, MD. The Travel Program is available to strong basketball players whose skills and interest are advanced beyond recreation basketball levels.
The program's mission is to provide an opportunity for youth athletes to play basketball in a competitive environment that focuses on fun, fairness, sportsmanship, teamwork, individual skill development, and personal commitment. The program affords dedicated basketball players the opportunity to compete with other players of the same abilities from nearby counties, cities and states. This allows the player to prepare for future competition at the Middle School and High School levels.
Travel basketball is best suited for those who are committed to improving upon their basketball skills. It is important to note that a competitive environment fosters a higher level of commitment from its participants and parents. Travel Teams typically practice at least two times per week for 1 1/2 to 2 hours and participate in at least two travel leagues with games each week plus weekend/holiday tournaments. Travel Basketball does not guarantee equal playing time during games. Playing time is earned through hard work and will be "fair" but not equal.
Registration Fees and cost for the travel basketball program are higher than the standard recreational programs (see Group Page).
Tryouts & Player Evaluations Required
One component of Travel Basketball is an evaluation process, which will result in some children not being picked for a team.
All prospective players MUST register for tryouts, attend the required number of evaluation sessions and be selected to participate in the program. (The Columbia Ravens organization does not have a Recreational Basketball Program).
Note: ** Tryouts for winter teams are typically held in early September to afford those players not selected for a travel team to pursue other opportunities in nearby Recreational Basketball League Programs.
The on-line Tryout Registration and Schedules can be located on the Columbia Ravens Basketball website at There is no charge to tryout for a team. No payment is due for travel team play until after the player has been officially selected and team rosters are finalized.
Winter Travel Basketball is GRADE based.
Players will tryout for the team that corresponds to their current school grade as of September 1st of the "current" school year.
Each Spring the Columbia Ravens Basketball program host tryouts for competitive AAU and Spring Travel Basketball teams. Spring AAU team tryouts are held in February/early March, the season running from March-June. Players who participate in our Spring AAU programs will participate in 7-8 or more weekends Travel/AAU Sanctioned tournaments, 1-2 team practice sessions per week and weekly skills/drills sessions. Some teams also participate in local Spring Travel Leagues. Teams may also advance to post season play at Regional, State or National Tournaments. Older Boys/Girls Teams often also participate in Showcase and other High profile events to gain exposure to college recruiters.
Travel and other related Cost
AAU/Spring Travel Basketball involves travel to and from weekend tournaments, which are local as well as out of county, state, etc. Parents are responsible for all travel cost associated with team activity and are expected to accompany their child to out of town events. Each player-family will be required to make the financial commitment to support the team’s plans including fundraising events to help offset individual costs. Cost are comprised but not limited to Ravens Registration fees, AAU membership, uniforms, gym time, tournaments, leagues fees, supplies such as first aid items and training equipment, etc.
Player Eligibility - AAU/Spring Travel
The AAU is a grade-based organization with age limitations within that division as established by the AAU. (Go to then to the aau basketball section for additional information.)
Tryouts and Player Evaluations Required
One component of Winter Travel and AAU/Spring Basketball is an evaluation process, which will result in some children not being picked for a team.
All prospective players MUST register for tryouts, attend the required number of evaluation sessions and be selected to participate in the program. (The Columbia Ravens organization does not have a Recreational Basketball Program).
Note: ** Tryouts are typically held in late Februrary or early March to afford those players not selected for a travel team to pursue other opportunities in nearby other Travel and/or Recreational Basketball League Programs.
The online Tryout Registration and Schedules can be located on the Columbia Ravens Basketball website at or at There is no charge to tryout for a team.
There is no fee to register for Tryouts and No payment is due for travel team play until after the player has been officially selected and team rosters are finalized.
Below are the current available groups for this program.
Click on the name to get more information and/or to register.